Poster 2019-2020
我在 2019 至 2020 年设计的海报的合集,修订于 2021 年 07 月 11 日。
A collection of posters I designed from 2019 to 2020. Revised on July 11th, 2021.
YEAR: 2019-2020

People in the Internet Age are facing the threat of information pollution. Information pollution is the contamination of information supply with irrelevant, redundant, unsolicited, hampering and low-value information. The spread of useless and undesirable information can have a detrimental effect on human activities.
People in the Internet Age are facing the threat of information pollution. Information pollution is the contamination of information supply with irrelevant, redundant, unsolicited, hampering and low-value information. The spread of useless and undesirable information can have a detrimental effect on human activities.
DATE: March 2019

塔之弈 Game of Towers
中国苏州虎丘塔与意大利比萨斜塔是世界闻名的两座斜塔建筑。《塔之弈》从中国与西洋两种象棋获得灵感,将虎丘与比萨两座斜塔置于棋盘两端,演绎两座斜塔所代表的两种文明的相遇、博弈与交融。《塔之弈》是 2019 “两座斜塔”国际海报邀请展的应募作品。
The Huqiu Tower in Suzhou, China, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy are world-famous marvelous buildings. Inspired by Chinese chess and Western chess, the two leaning towers are placed on two sides of the chessboard. It is an interpretation of the encounter, clash and integration between two different civilizations. This is a work submitted for the “Two Leaning Towers - 2019 Contributions Wanted for the International Invitational Poster Exhibition” held in Suzhou, China.
The Huqiu Tower in Suzhou, China, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy are world-famous marvelous buildings. Inspired by Chinese chess and Western chess, the two leaning towers are placed on two sides of the chessboard. It is an interpretation of the encounter, clash and integration between two different civilizations. This is a work submitted for the “Two Leaning Towers - 2019 Contributions Wanted for the International Invitational Poster Exhibition” held in Suzhou, China.
DATE: March 2019

Stop Hate
当今社会因贫富悬殊、种族差异、威权政治等因素,普遍存在着仇恨的情绪。仇恨使人孤立分离。放下仇恨,追求和平是出路。Stop Hate 是 2019 波兰波兹南 Stop Hate 海报展的应募作品。
In today’s society, hatred is prevalent due to the disparity between rich and poor, racial differences, authoritarian politics and other factors. Hatred cannot unite us. Letting go of hatred and seeking peace is the way out. This is a work submitted for the “Stop Hate / Poster Show Poznań 2019” held in Poznań, Poland.
In today’s society, hatred is prevalent due to the disparity between rich and poor, racial differences, authoritarian politics and other factors. Hatred cannot unite us. Letting go of hatred and seeking peace is the way out. This is a work submitted for the “Stop Hate / Poster Show Poznań 2019” held in Poznań, Poland.
DATE: May 2019

Green City / Breathable City
The process of city design should be treated as embryonic development by focusing on human beings. A green and sustainable city should be breathable, which means harmony between man and nature exists here.
The process of city design should be treated as embryonic development by focusing on human beings. A green and sustainable city should be breathable, which means harmony between man and nature exists here.
DATE: June 2019

Music of Freedom
爵士乐是一种风格多样、形式自由的音乐。沉浸在爵士乐中,我们可以暂时忘记不愉快的现实生活,享受艺术带来的美妙感受。音乐是一种无国界的语言,爵士乐使我们从繁忙的日常生活中解脱出来。Music of Freedom 是第 15 届波兰 Jazz in the Ruins 爵士音乐节海报展的应募作品。
Jazz is a kind of music with various styles and free forms. Immersed in jazz, we can temporarily forget the unpleasant real life and enjoy the wonderful feelings brought by art. Music is a language without borders, and jazz frees us from our busy daily life. This is a work submitted for the poster exhibition for the 15th edition of the Festival “Jazz in the Ruins” held in Poland.
Jazz is a kind of music with various styles and free forms. Immersed in jazz, we can temporarily forget the unpleasant real life and enjoy the wonderful feelings brought by art. Music is a language without borders, and jazz frees us from our busy daily life. This is a work submitted for the poster exhibition for the 15th edition of the Festival “Jazz in the Ruins” held in Poland.
DATE: July 2019

Heart of Gold
器官移植可以拯救生命。它反映了人性的崇高。积极参与器官捐献的人是有着金子般心灵的勇者。Heart of Gold 是第 3 届土耳其 器官捐赠海报设计大赛的应募作品。
Organ transplantation is a way to save one’s life. It shows the high principle of humanity. People who actively participate in organ donation can get a reputation as a brave one with a heart of gold. This is a work submitted for the 3rd International “Organ Transplantation” Poster Design Competition held in Turkey.
Organ transplantation is a way to save one’s life. It shows the high principle of humanity. People who actively participate in organ donation can get a reputation as a brave one with a heart of gold. This is a work submitted for the 3rd International “Organ Transplantation” Poster Design Competition held in Turkey.
DATE: July 2019

东方茶会 Oriental Tea Club
东方茶会是一个沙龙,在此人们休憩,讨论茶饮、新闻、文学、艺术等话题。海报将「茶」以多种质地阐释,有纤琐,有醇柔,亦有平实,在彰显中式审美的同时,又与茶叶、茶汤、茶具的物理样态发生呼应。东方茶会入选 2019 广州国际汉字创意大会的汉字设计线上开放展。
Oriental Tea Club is a salon at which people can take a break and talk about tea, news, literature, and art. The poster interprets the Chinese character “tea” in a variety of textures, which are delicate, mellow, and plain. While highlighting Chinese aesthetics, it echoes the physical appearance of tea leaves, tea liquid, and tea sets. Oriental Tea Club is selected for the Guangzhou International Chinese Character Creative Conference 2019.
Oriental Tea Club is a salon at which people can take a break and talk about tea, news, literature, and art. The poster interprets the Chinese character “tea” in a variety of textures, which are delicate, mellow, and plain. While highlighting Chinese aesthetics, it echoes the physical appearance of tea leaves, tea liquid, and tea sets. Oriental Tea Club is selected for the Guangzhou International Chinese Character Creative Conference 2019.
DATE: August 2019

No Extremism
在全球经济转型的阵痛中,极端主义日渐抬头,民粹政治威胁着民主社会的根基,此时我们亟需控制胡适所谓“正义的火气”,以和平的力量面对纷乱。No Extremism 入选 IPBP 2019 南京国际和平海报双年展。
In the pain of the global economic transformation, extremism is rising day by day, and populism is threatening the foundation of the democratic society. At this time, we urgently need to control Hu Shih’s so-called "fire of justice" to face chaos with the power of peace. No Extremism is selected for the International Poster Biennale for Peace Nanjing 2019.
In the pain of the global economic transformation, extremism is rising day by day, and populism is threatening the foundation of the democratic society. At this time, we urgently need to control Hu Shih’s so-called "fire of justice" to face chaos with the power of peace. No Extremism is selected for the International Poster Biennale for Peace Nanjing 2019.
DATE: October 2019

From Zero to Infinity
为抗击我们共同的敌人——病毒,我们应当联合起来,消除歧视,无论各自是怎样的性别、性取向、肤色与民族,都应当享有平等权利,用团结、包容和爱战胜病毒。From Zero to Infinity 是 2020 联合国“零歧视日”国际海报设计展的应募作品。2021 年 12 月,该海报的修订版 Keep the World Healthy 被美国政治图形研究中心收藏。
In order to fight against our common enemy, the virus, we should unite to eliminate discrimination. Regardless of gender, sexual orientation, color and nationality, we should enjoy equal rights and defeat the virus with unity, tolerance, and love. This is a work submitted for the United Nations “Zero Discrimination Day” 2020 International Poster Design Exhibition. In December 2021, a revised version titled Keep the World Healthy is archived by the Center for the Study of Political Graphics located in Los Angeles, United States.
In order to fight against our common enemy, the virus, we should unite to eliminate discrimination. Regardless of gender, sexual orientation, color and nationality, we should enjoy equal rights and defeat the virus with unity, tolerance, and love. This is a work submitted for the United Nations “Zero Discrimination Day” 2020 International Poster Design Exhibition. In December 2021, a revised version titled Keep the World Healthy is archived by the Center for the Study of Political Graphics located in Los Angeles, United States.
DATE: February 2020

圆融 The Great Harmony
《圆融》从中国传统文化意象太极图出发,将中国与比利时两国的代表性食物——豆腐与巧克力——构成深浅双色对比,交融流转,以此呈现圆满融通的美好图景。《圆融》是“交融&体验五十年”中国/比利时国际文化海报设计展的应募作品,入选 2022 年秘鲁 Posterists in the World 国际海报展。
Starting from the traditional Chinese cultural image of Tai Chi, The Great Harmony composes a contrast of deep and light colors between tofu and chocolate, the representative foods of China and Belgium. This image blends and flows, so as to present a beautiful picture of perfect harmony. This is a work submitted for the “Fusion & Participation” China Belgium International Poster Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of China Belgium Diplomatic Relations. It is selected for the Posterists in the World 2022 held in Peru.
Starting from the traditional Chinese cultural image of Tai Chi, The Great Harmony composes a contrast of deep and light colors between tofu and chocolate, the representative foods of China and Belgium. This image blends and flows, so as to present a beautiful picture of perfect harmony. This is a work submitted for the “Fusion & Participation” China Belgium International Poster Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of China Belgium Diplomatic Relations. It is selected for the Posterists in the World 2022 held in Peru.
DATE: August 2020
© 2019-2020 ZIHAO LU. All Rights Reserved.