Island of Humanity
「海之爱」国际T恤衫设计比赛由韩国全罗南道高兴郡主办,韩国艺术综合大学和 Insnine 公司承办。征集所得的设计作品印在T恤衫上,一件寄给作者,一件将留在韩国高兴郡连洪岛进行展览展示。以下为我的设计,在此次比赛中获得银奖。当仓颉创造汉字「岛」时,这个字以「山」为表意部件,以「鸟」为表音部件。我在「岛」字中央位置增加了三个红色的「人」字。人类的存在可以点亮这岛屿,也可能会毁灭这岛屿,一切都取决于我们的所作所为。
See Love Sea International T-shirts Design Competition is hosted by Goheung-gun (Jeollanam-do, South Korea) and organized by Korea University of Arts and Insnine Company. All designs are printed and sent to the original designers and displayed at the exhibition at Yeonhong-do, Goheung-gun. Here is my design that won the Silver Prize in this competition. When Cang Jie firstly made the Chinese character ‘Dao’ (island), it was in the shape of ‘Shan’ (mountain) and in the sound of ‘Niao’ (bird). I add three red characters of ‘Ren’ (human) in the middle of ‘Dao’ (island). Human can enlighten the island, also we can destroy the island. It all depends on us, our actions.
YEAR: 2016

See Love Sea International T-shirts Design Competition, Silver Prize. 2017, Korea