乾闼婆 Gandharva
乾闼婆(Gandharva)是一款以中华传统香道为灵感设计的香薰灯,得名于佛教中的香料之神乾闼婆。乾闼婆能在一日之中更换香型 12 次,对应 12 个时辰,如此便成为一款带有禅意的计时器具。乾闼婆拥有优雅的流线外型和优质的照明功能。人们可以在睡前借着灯光读书,也可以在香薰灯改换香型的时间提醒下自然而又舒适地进行休息。乾闼婆获得了 2015 年度 IAI 设计奖之优秀奖。
Gandharva is a fragrance lamp that is inspired by Chinese traditional incense lore. The lamp is named after Gandharva, the god of incense in Buddhism. Gandharva can change its incense type automatically 12 times a day, which corresponds to 12 two-hour periods into which the day was traditionally divided in China. In this way, Gandharva has the timing function in a Zen style. In addition to the elegant and curvaceous shape in high-quality materials, Gandharva also has a powerful capacity in lighting. People can do some reading before they go to sleep and do some breaks while working with time remind of the lamp in a natural and comfortable way. Gandharva won the Excellence Award at the IAI Design Award 2015.
YEAR: 2015

IAI Design Award, Excellence Award. 2015, China