味之元素 Flavor Element
味之元素(Flavor Element)系列海报旨在阐释五味。我试图在此用文字与图像的组合来重新演绎盐、米、油、蛋、奶这五种基础朴素的味觉元素。盐是大地之盐,洪荒宇宙的味觉基础。米是山川之米,滋养万民的田园牧歌。油是精纯之油,物质匮乏年代的幸福想象。蛋是完美之蛋,富于建筑感的优美弧线。奶是哺育之奶,将初生者自混沌带入光明的脐带。味之元素系列海报获「融 - 2015 国际字体创意设计大赛」优秀奖。
Flavor Element is a group of posters regenerating the five flavor elements. I use words and graphics to deduce the five flavor elements, including salt, rice, oil, egg, and milk. Salt is the salt of the earth, the basic flavor of our universe. Rice is the rice of mountains, the pastoral that feeds people. Oil is the oil of purity, the happiness imagination in the era of poverty. Egg is the egg of perfection, the elegant curve built by god. Milk is the milk of nurturing, bringing the newborn from chaos into the umbilical cord of luminosity. Flavor Element won the Honorable Mention Award at the Blend - 2015 International Typography Design Award.
YEAR: 2015

Blend - 2015 International Typography Design Award,
Honorable Mention Award. 2015, China