F(x)Lab WeChat 2021

2021 年,我持续在 F(x)Lab 的微信公众号探索 SVG 交互技术,使用原创代码带来更多动效,同时优化代码以增强稳定性。2021 年共发文 20 篇,文章的曝光使 F(x)Lab 成为太古集团、 LVMH 集团、杰尼亚集团、OTB 集团等行业巨头的供应商。


In 2021, I kept exploring WeChat SVG interaction technology on F(x)Lab’s WeChat Official Account, using original code to bring more motion graphics, and optimizing the code to enhance stability. 20 articles were published in 2021 in total. The exposure of these articles powered F(x)Lab to become the vendor to industry giants including Swire Group, LVMH Group, Ermenegildo Zegna Group, and OTB Group.


GRAPHIC DESIGN: Zihao Lu, Spade Zhang
CODING: Zihao Lu
YEAR: 2021

3125C 推出官方微信小程序线上商店 The Store Dot

2020 年 10 月,陈冠希旗下创意团队 3125C 推出官方微信小程序线上商店 The Store Dot。在 60 天的项目时间里,F(x)Lab 与 3125C 团队联袂创作,打造匠心独具的数字产品,构成社交、内容和服务的闭环,在街头潮流的数字化转型进程中布局未来。


The Store Dot by 3125C

In October 2020, The Store Dot WeChat Mini Program curated by 3125C has been launched. In 60 workdays, F(x)Lab and 3125C, Edison Chen’s creative agency, co-produced this remarkably inventive digital product. It forms a closed loop of social, content and services, opening up the path for the digital transformation of streetwear brands.

街头品牌 FiSN 推出官方小程序 FiSN ONLINE STORE

2020 年 9 月,CU 主理的街头品牌 FiSN 推出官方微信小程序 FiSN ONLINE STORE。F(x)Lab 与 FiSN 团队紧密协作,打造个性与质感兼备的数字产品,提供一种新鲜又流畅的购物体验,并于 2021 年 4 月推出创意十足的 FiSN 小程序花园功能,以此增进品牌与受众的互动。



In September 2020, FiSN, the streetwear brand of CU, launched its official WeChat Mini Program: FiSN ONLINE STORE. F(x)Lab works closely with FiSN team to create this digital product with both individuality and quality. It provides a fresh and smooth shopping experience. In April 2021, FiSN Garden, the VIP system of FiSN WeChat Mini Program, was officially launched to enhance the interaction between brand and audience.

次世代生活态度,尽在 HYPEBEAST 小程序

2020 年 12 月,HYPEBEAST ONLINE STORE 微信小程序正式上线。在 20 天的项目时间里,F(x)Lab 与时尚潮流媒体 HYPEBEAST 深入合作,创造出兼具前沿风格和普适设计的数字产品,为受众提供彰显次世代生活态度的购物平台。


HYPEBEAST ONLINE STORE Is Driving Streetwear Culture Forward

In December 2020, HYPEBEAST ONLINE STORE WeChat Mini Program was officially launched. In 20 workdays, F(x)Lab and HYPEBEAST, a leading online destination for contemporary fashion and streetwear, worked collaboratively to co-produce this digital product with both avant-garde style and universal design. It provides a shopping platform for the audience to show the living attitude of the next generation.


2020 年初,F(x)Lab 开始研发抽签等限时发售活动功能,为潮牌限时店提供微信小程序解决方案。迄今为止,F(x)Lab 已服务 HYPEBEAST,JUICE,3125C,DOE 和 Archive Editions 等海内外品牌,带来兼顾流畅操作与品牌氛围的数字体验。


Exclusive Digital Experience: R&D Solutions for Pop-up WeChat Mini Programs

In early 2020, F(x)Lab began to develop raffle and other online pop-up store activities based on WeChat Mini Program. It is intended to provide R&D solutions for pop-up WeChat Mini Programs in the field of streetwear fashion. Thus far, F(x)Lab has served global brands including HYPEBEAST, JUICE, 3125C, DOE, and Archive Editions, bringing digital experiences that take into account smooth operation and brand vibes.

F(x)Lab 助力路易威登与京东打造独特定制合作模式

2021 年 4 月,京东奢品为路易威登量身打造独特定制合作模式,消费者进入京东 app,在搜索栏里搜索“LV”,即可进入 F(x)Lab 设计的路易威登官方小程序,享受品牌专属消费体验。


F(x)Lab’s Vibe Design Connects JD.com and Louis Vuitton’s WeChat Mini Program

In April 2021, LOUIS VUITTON entered a partnership with JD.com powered by F(x)Lab’s vibe design. Chinese consumers will be able to search for LV on the JD app, gaining access to LOUIS VUITTON’s official WeChat Mini Program and exclusive shopping experience.

F(x)Lab × BEDWIN & THE HEARTBREAKERS 迎来全新「π」联名别注系列

2021 年 6 月,东京街头品牌 BEDWIN & THE HEARTBREAKERS 与数字创新机构 F(x)Lab 展开联名企划。系列以圆周率「π」为主题,从大家熟悉的圆周率近似值 3.1415926 汲取灵感,用数字符号及双方品牌 Logo 去打造印花 T-Shirt 等多款单品。「π」联名别注系列并不对外发售,仅是亲友限定。


F(x)Lab × BEDWIN & THE HEARTBREAKERS “π” Capsule Collection

In June 2021, Tokyo streetwear label BEDWIN & THE HEARTBREAKERS and global digital innovation agency F(x)Lab launched the “π” capsule collection. Taking “π” as the theme, the collection draws inspiration from 3.1415926, the widely known approximate value of π. It uses mathematical symbols and brand logos to present print tees and other products. The “π” capsule collection is exclusively for friends and family.

F(x)Lab 携手日本咖啡品牌 NO COFFEE 推出联名咖啡豆

2021 年 8 月,继与东京街头品牌 BEDWIN & THE HEARTBREAKERS 的联名企划之后,数字创新机构 F(x)Lab 携手日本福冈咖啡品牌 NO COFFEE 推出限量联名咖啡豆。



In August 2021, after the F(x)Lab × BEDWIN & THE HEARTBREAKERS “π” capsule collection, global digital innovation agency F(x)Lab and Fukuoka café NO COFFEE launched NO COFFEE × F(x)Lab COFFEE BEANS.


2021 春夏,受 LOUIS VUITTON、CELINE 等品牌委托,F(x)Lab 为 520、七夕等中国情人节的微信小程序限时店提供创意和设计解决方案,以精致流畅的数字体验传递浪漫动人的品牌氛围。


Heart to Heart: Creative & Design Solutions for Chinese Valentine’s Day WeChat Mini Programs

In Spring-Summer 2021, F(x)Lab provides creative & design solutions for pop-up stores on Chinese Valentine’s Day including the 520 Day and the Qixi Festival. Entrusted by LOUIS VUITTON and CELINE, WeChat Mini Programs presented by F(x)Lab express romantic and moving brand vibes with exquisite and smooth digital experiences.

丹尼尔·阿尔轩旗下艺术平台 Archive Editions 发布全新微信小程序

2021 年 4 月,Archive Editions 全新微信小程序正式发布。在 60 天的项目时间里,F(x)Lab 与美国当代艺术家丹尼尔·阿尔轩旗下艺术平台 Archive Editions 通力合作,打造面向未来的数字产品,提供一种沉浸式的先锋购物体验,以此触及更多新生代潮流艺术爱好者。


Archive Editions by Daniel Arsham

In April 2021, the new version of the Archive Editions WeChat Mini Program designed and developed by F(x)Lab has been launched. F(x)Lab and Archive Editions, American contemporary artist Daniel Arsham’s art platform, co-produced this futuristic digital product in 60 workdays. It provides an immersive and avant-garde shopping experience to reach more pop art lovers of the next generation.


2021 年 5 月,全新路易威登旅行家居与硬箱体验店微信小程序正式发布。LOUIS VUITTON 携手 F(x)Lab,基于此前双方协作推出的路易威登硬箱线上体验店微信小程序,打造新颖雅致的数字产品,提供 3D 全景互动的线上体验,令路易威登的精湛工艺触及广大受众。


LOUIS VUITTON Launches the Objets Nomades & Hardsided WeChat Mini Program

In May 2021, the brand-new LOUIS VUITTON Objets Nomades & Hardsided WeChat Mini Program designed by F(x)Lab was officially launched. LOUIS VUITTON and F(x)Lab co-produced this novel and elegant digital product based on the LOUIS VUITTON Hardsided WeChat Mini Program launched before. It provides an online experience of 3D panorama so that the outstanding craftsmanship of LOUIS VUITTON influences a broader audience.

一瞬入戏:THE OWNER 小程序耀目登场

2021 年 2 月,THE OWNER 全新微信小程序耀目登场。在 60 天的项目时间里,THE OWNER 与 F(x)Lab 联袂合作,塑造风格前卫、独树一帜的数字产品,传递品牌深厚的工业思考与人文观照,俘获年轻世代的青睐并反哺时尚文化。


See Beyond: THE OWNER WeChat Mini Program

In February 2021, the new version of THE OWNER WeChat Mini Program designed and developed by F(x)Lab was officially launched. In 60 workdays, THE OWNER and F(x)Lab co-produced this unique vanguard of the digital asset. It continuously expresses the industrial thinking and humanistic concern of the brand, captures the favor of the younger generation, and feeds back the fashion culture.


2020 秋冬起,受 LOUIS VUITTON 委托,F(x)Lab 为其男士限时店微信小程序提供创意和设计解决方案。迄今为止,F(x)Lab 已带来三季小程序,打破成规,释放灵感,助力后疫情时代的品牌数字化创新。


The Next Journey: Creative & Design Solutions for LOUIS VUITTON Menswear WeChat Mini Programs

In Fall-Winter 2021, F(x)Lab started to provide creative & design solutions for LOUIS VUITTON Menswear WeChat Mini Programs. Thus far, F(x)Lab has presented three seasons of WeChat Mini Programs. We keep rewriting the rules and releasing inspirations to contribute to the digital innovation of the brand in the post-pandemic era.

见证非凡:Leica 徕卡限时精品店小程序

2021 年 8 月,全新 Leica 徕卡限时精品店微信小程序正式发布。在 90 天的项目时间里,F(x)Lab 与 Leica Camera 密切协作,以创新设计打造独特非凡的数字产品,讲述百年徕卡精彩纷呈的品牌故事,带领受众在数字化时代探索更完美的摄影之旅。


Witness the Extraordinary: Leica Camera WeChat Mini Program

In August 2021, the new version of the Leica Camera WeChat Mini Program designed and developed by F(x)Lab was officially launched. In 90 workdays, F(x)Lab and Leica Camera co-produced this extraordinary digital product with our innovative design. It vividly narrates an incredible story of this centennial brand and leads the audience to explore a perfect journey of photography in the age of digital transformation.

篮球热潮:路易威登 LV×NBA 系列微信小程序

2020 年 11 月,路易威登 LV×NBA 系列微信小程序正式上线,发布第一季合作系列。LOUIS VUITTON 携手 F(x)Lab,融合奢华创意与篮球文化,合力打造卓尔不群的数字产品,并于 2021 年 5 月发布第二季合作系列,以此瞄准年轻世代的流量入口,促进品牌渗透。


LOUIS VUITTON Launches the LV×NBA WeChat Mini Program

In November 2020, The LV×NBA WeChat Mini Program designed by F(x)Lab went online and launched the first menswear capsule. LOUIS VUITTON worked collaboratively with F(x)Lab to produce this outstanding digital product that combines French craftsmanship and American sports. In May 2021, the second season of the LV×NBA collection was launched. In this manner, LOUIS VUITTON aims at the younger generation and increases brand traffic and penetration.

艺术新篇:Lisson 里森画廊小程序

2021 年 6 月,Lisson 里森画廊微信小程序正式发布。在 30 天的项目时间里,F(x)Lab 与 Lisson Gallery 联手共创,呈上雅致大方的数字产品,在审美经济时代沟通艺术家与全球观众,打破地域和现实壁垒来传播艺术之美。


A New Art Trend: Lisson Gallery WeChat Mini Program

In June 2021, the Lisson Gallery WeChat Mini Program designed and developed by F(x)Lab was officially launched. In 30 workdays, F(x)Lab and Lisson Gallery co-produced this elegant digital asset. It provides artists and global audiences a platform for communication in the era of the aesthetic economy. In this manner, Lisson Gallery keeps penetrating the geographical and realistic barriers to popularizing beauty in art.

灵感乘方:路易威登 2022 早春 LV² 系列微信小程序

2021 年 10 月,路易威登 2022 早春 LV² 系列微信小程序正式上线。LOUIS VUITTON 联手 F(x)Lab,将街头文化注入奢华经典,共同塑造独出心裁的数字产品,以此征服年轻市场,探索品牌增长的新可能。


Power of Inspiration: Creative & Design Solution for the Pre-Spring 2022 LOUIS VUITTON × NIGO® WeChat Mini Program

In October 2021, the Pre-Spring 2022 LOUIS VUITTON × NIGO® WeChat Mini Program designed by F(x)Lab was officially launched. LOUIS VUITTON worked collaboratively with F(x)Lab to produce this unique digital product that combines streetwear culture and classic luxury style. In this fashion, the brand conquers the market of the younger generation and creates new growth records.

潮鞋玩家:路易威登 Sneakers Store 小程序

2020 秋冬起,受 LOUIS VUITTON 委托,F(x)Lab 为路易威登 Sneakers Store 微信小程序提供创意和设计解决方案,以妙趣灵动的数字体验助力品牌深度耕耘奢侈品运动鞋这一新标杆品类。


Sneaker Mania: Creative & Design Solutions for the LOUIS VUITTON Sneakers Store WeChat Mini Program

In Fall-Winter 2020, F(x)Lab started to provide creative & design solutions for the LOUIS VUITTON Sneakers Store WeChat Mini Program. Powered by F(x)Lab, the WeChat Mini Program helps the Maison to deeply develop the new benchmark category of luxury sneakers with a fun and smart digital experience.


2021 年 9 月,广州太古汇线上精品店微信小程序正式发布。在 100 天的项目时间里,F(x)Lab  与广州太古汇深度合作,以可持续发展理念创制奢雅优美的数字产品,使消费者享受亲和友好的愉悦体验,布局广州太古汇下一个十年的数字化转型之路。


Where Time Is the New Luxury: Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Online Boutique WeChat Mini Program

In September 2021, the Taikoo Hui Guangzhou Online Boutique WeChat Mini Program designed & developed by F(x)Lab was officially launched. In 100 workdays, F(x)Lab and Taikoo Hui Guangzhou, a multi-faceted complex managed by Swire Properties, co-produced this elegant digital product with a sense of sustainable development. It enables consumers to enjoy a friendly and pleasant experience, accelerating Taikoo Hui’s digital transformation in the next decade.

路易200:纪念路易·威登先生诞辰 200 周年

2021 年 8 月 4 日是路易·威登先生诞辰 200 周年纪念日。受 LOUIS VUITTON 委托,F(x)Lab 为「路易200」主题微信小程序和 H5 提供创意和设计解决方案,以引人入胜的数字体验演绎旅行精神,致意品牌未来。


Louis 200: The Bicentennial of Louis Vuitton’s Birthday

August 4 2021 is the bicentennial of Louis Vuitton’s birthday. Entrusted by the Maison, F(x)Lab participated in co-producing WeChat Mini Program and H5 Page on the theme of “Louis 200”. We interpret the spirit of travel with a fascinating digital experience and look to the future of LOUIS VUITTON.


2021 秋冬起,受 LOUIS VUITTON 委托,F(x)Lab 为其圣诞假日季限时店提供微信小程序创意和设计解决方案,以新巧华美的数字产品传播轻快欢愉的品牌氛围。


Wish Upon a Star: Creative & Design Solutions for the Holiday Season WeChat Mini Program

In Fall-Winter 2021, F(x)Lab started to provide creative & design solutions for the LOUIS VUITTON Holiday Season pop-up store. Entrusted by the Maison, the WeChat Mini Program presented by F(x)Lab expresses lively & cheerful brand vibes with innovative & gorgeous digital products.

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© 2013-2025 ZIHAO LU. All Rights Reserved.