生关死劫 Death Roc
「生关死劫」表现了中国神话传说中的生死观,入选 2015 年波兰卢布林国际青年海报双年展和 2019 年秘鲁设计双年展。古人认为大鹏鸟起源于一种名为鲲的大鱼,鲲长大就会变成鸟,正如虫子化蝶。佛教传入中国后,大鹏鸟的形象与毗湿奴的坐骑迦楼罗相结合。大鹏鸟是一种神话中的猛禽,体型庞大,力量强大,嫉恶如仇,为止住洪水而杀死邪恶的水龙。在这张海报上,大鹏鸟有着一双不眨眼的眼睛和一个长满匕首般牙齿的血盆大口,准备吞食那些没能通过最终审判的灵魂。无论生死,劫数无处不在,而大鹏鸟始终在注视着众生。
Death Roc is a poster that represents the concept of death in Chinese myth. It is selected for the International Student Poster Biennale Lublin 2015 and the Peru Design Biennial 2019. It is widely believed in ancient China that Roc origins from a kind of gigantic fish named Kun. When the Kun grows to a certain size, it transforms into a bird, just as a worm does into a butterfly. After Buddhism came into China, the image of Roc was combined with Garuda, a supernatural eagle-like being that serves as Vishnu’s mount. As a kind of mythical bird of prey having enormous size and strength, Roc has an abhorrence of sin and kills evil water dragons to avoid the flood. On this poster, the Roc has unblinking eyes and a large maw filled with dagger-like teeth, about to devour those souls or spirits that have not passed the final judgment. To live or to die, inexorable doom is everywhere and the Death Roc is always watching you.
YEAR: 2015

Peru Design Biennial, Selected. 2019, Peru
International Student Poster Biennale Lublin, Selected. 2015, Poland
International Student Poster Biennale Lublin, Selected. 2015, Poland