Aikido Kei-Un Dojo

合气道擎云道场是成都一家合气道武术交流团体。合气道是一种衍生自日本「大东流合气柔术」的近代武术,主要特点是以柔克刚,借劲使力,不主动攻击。合气道擎云道场隶属于新加坡「心柔会」道场,「心柔会」为日本本部合气会成员。标志主体的汉字选自中国古代书法家的真迹,饰以包含字母 K 和 U 的印章,也即擎云之缩写,使得这一标志蕴含着功夫哲学。道场 Logo 最主要用于道服刺绣,Logo 的细节表现实际效果与印刷产品有很大差异,设计中特别注意了这一点。合气道擎云道场 Logo 设计收录于《亚洲字体设计》(ISBN 9789881426192),并入选 2019 年乌克兰 COW 国际设计节。


Aikido Kei-Un Dojo is a martial art group located in Chengdu, China. Aikido (合気道) is a modern martial art that derives mainly from Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu (大東流合気柔術). It is known for conquering the unyielding with the yielding, unarmed counter move and avoiding the active attack. Aikido Kei-Un Dojo belongs to Aikido Shinju-Kai in Singapore, which is officially recognized by the Aikido World Headquarters in Japan. The two Chinese characters in this brand logo are selected and processed from scripts of ancient calligraphers. Decorated with a red seal that represents K and U, short for Kei-Un, the brand conveys the profound implication of Kung-Fu philosophy. The logo of the dojo is mostly used for the embroidery of clothes. The actual performance of logo details is quite different from that of the printed products. I paid special attention to this during the design process. Aikido Kei-Un Dojo includes in Asian Typography (ISBN 9789881426192) and is selected for the COW International Design Festival 2019 held in Ukraine.


CLIENT: Aikido Kei-Un Dojo
YEAR: 2015

COW International Design Festival, Selected. 2019, Ukraine
Asian Typography, ISBN 9789881426192, Published. 2018, China

All Photos © 2014 Tim Griffiths. © 2015 Jochem Herremans. All Rights Reserved.
All Images © 2015 Aikido Kei-Un Dojo. All Rights Reserved.
© 2013-2024 ZIHAO LU. All Rights Reserved.